Wednesday, May 4, 2011

BiG SHoEs!!!

So here we are.... 20 days and a few hrs. away from opening!!! Time has flown by faster than fast itself. There’s always something to keep our heart rates up, raking leaves, mowing, fertilizing, cleaning, cleaning, and some more cleaning. We are so excited for this year to start. Grandma and Grandpa just can't seem to let themselves go from this place. Every day like clockwork here they come ready to help us out. The place has been through a lot of changes over the years, and with their special touches it is starting to feel like its back to the old campground. When I walked into the lower restrooms today it took me back to the earlier days. The smell seems to get me the most. Fresh, inviting, and clean. That's the way grandma always has it. It really does take ya back to when life was nothing more than simple times. The more I look around the more I realize how much sweat, blood, and tears those two put into this place over the many years. We defiantly have big shoes to fill!!!

1 comment:

  1. We are SO glad that the family has taken back the campground. This place was like home to us as kids...we loved it SO much! Can't wait to be back with our own kids and let them experience the magic :)

    Elise (Davies) Ford
